Secure & Encrypted Photo & Video Storage FOR VICTIMS & SURVIVORS OF ABUSE.
02Secure & Encrypted Documents Editor & Storage FOR VICTIMS & SURVIVORS OF ABUSE.
Made in europe, for your privacy, security & peace of mind.
We can't read your documents, see your photos or videos, and no one else can either.
We've designed cryptee documents with victims & survivors of abuse in mind. You can even hide folders so that they're safely removed from your account. So if you're forced to give someone access to your account, they can't see these hidden folders. You can only bring these folders back if you type their name exactly as-is. In addition, your files and documents are encrypted before they leave your device, so we can't read your documents, and no one else can either. Cryptee's encrypted document editor & file storage is great for writing your journals, reading ebooks privately, storing all sorts of files and more.
hide your documents & files
with "ghost" folders, your journals and files will be private, even if you're forced to give someone else access to your account
easily read ebooks & pdf
because some books are better read privately
use on all your devices
with encrypted & instant sync, access your files wherever and whenever you can
use offline (as well as online)
take a break from the internet without worries
cross-link your docs, notes & files
with attachments & cross-links, you can organize your thoughts easier than ever
save documents as pdf files
with millimetric on-paper accuracy, and quick pdf-encryption support, in case if you wish to send a PDF privately
open & save pdf files
with built-in pdf support, so you can fill out sensitive forms privately and securely inside cryptee
use checkboxes & tables
to keep track of things to do
leave old insecure apps behind
with a few clicks of migration
use rtl languages
and feel right at home
and many more ...
see all features
We've designed cryptee's encrypted secure photo storage with victims & survivors of abuse in mind. Let's say you'd like to have an album full of evidence photos or videos, you can hide these albums so that they're safely removed from your account. So even if you're forced to give someone access to your account, they can't see these hidden albums. You can only bring these albums back if you type their name exactly as-is. In addition, your photos & videos are encrypted before they leave your device, so we can't see your photos or videos, and no one else can either.
hide private photos & videos
with "ghost" albums, your photos & videos will remain private, even if you're forced to give someone else access to your account
safekeep original photos & videos
because with privacy-sensitive evidence photos, every detail matters
add photo & video descriptions
because your story matters
tag your photos & videos
with easy #hashtag tagging
find photos & videos instantly
with typo-tolerant search
sort your photos by date & time
with exif date & time support
view photos & videos larger
with slideshow mode
quickly create albums
with one-click selections
backup photos & videos easily
with drag & drop uploads
edit the dates of your photos
with an easy-to-use date picker
and many more ...
see all features
install now
free forever
€ 3 / mo
€ 9 / mo
€ 27 / mo
these were only some of the features we thought that might interest you as a victim or survivor of abuse. there's even more! learn more about cryptee on our landing page
or if you're ready
get started with our free plan